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The shortest verse in the Bible is of course the Jesus wept verse. But have you considered why the Jesus Wept verse is so significant?
The Jesus wept verse is significant because 1) it showed Jesus’ humanness 2) It showed Jesus’ love and 3) It showed that we can come to Jesus as we are.
The Jesus wept verse occurs after someone tells him that Lazarus has passed away while he was away in a different town. It is then he heads towards the town where he was buried to prepare for one of the greatest miracles in Jesus’ ministry–the raising of Lazrarus.
Let’s dive deeper into the Jesus wept verse and understand why this verse is so significant.
Jesus wept
John 11:35
1. It showed Jesus’ humannness
One thing that the Jesus wept verse demonstrated was Jesus’ humanness.
All throughout the gospels, there is an enduring question: “Who is Jesus?” Is he God? Is he a person?
After church history has finally settled that he is 100% God and 100% human, it is his humanness that encourages us who struggle with the human condition.
We find out that upon Lazarus’ death that Jesus wept for his death.
Jesus demonstrated that he was one of us. He was not a stoic and hard leader who couldn’t empathize with the frailties that we as humans suffer with.
He is not a savior who tells his people to “suck it up” and grow up.
Rather, he is found as the man of sorrows, one who upon sadness would weep for the loss in his heart.
It is that humanness that draws us close to him
2. It Showed Jesus’ Love
If it doesn’t break your heart
It isn’t love
If it doesn’t break your heart
It’s not enough
The only love that is true that one that comes with a cost.
Anyone tells you that they love you but you realize it doesn’t cost them anything is not real love.
Love is never for sale; it is by nature and definition costly.
It is easy to say we love this or that, but Jesus demonstrates that his love was real. It’s amazing how many public leaders say have a show of love for things, but the real test of love when the object of our affection is taken away.
Switchfoot said it well:
If it doesn’t break your heart, it isn’t love
The death of Lazarus meant something to Jesus. His tears demonstrated that his love for his friend was real.
His tears validate for us the moments when we hear from him that he loves us.
Rest assured–his love for you is not a show of words. It comes at a cost! He loves you truly and deeply.
3. It showed that we can come to Jesus as we are.
The beautiful thing about Jesus’ tears are that when he cries, it lowers his walls.
There are many strong, powerful, and influential people in our world today who have their guards way high. They are almost god-like. We have a hard time relating with those people.
But Jesus is the most amazing leader because he lives with an open heart,
By his walls being low, it truly empowers us and reminds us that we can come to him as we are.
We don’t have to put on makeup, put on a show, put on our awards or medals. Rather, we are invited to come to him naked and unashamed as we are.
Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.”
It highlights how Jesus, as our priest, is able to empathize with our weaknesses because he was human just as we were..
Going Deeper
My joy and the aim of this site is to help readers go deeper in their Christian faith.
Jesus is so amazing isn’t he?
With one small verse, he demonstrates how amazing he is.
If you’re interested in growing your faith, allow me to recommend a few resources to you. One of my favorite books (and an absolute classic amongst many Christians) is Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship.
That book changed my life as I learned what it mean to truly follow Jesus.
If you’re interested in some of my other writings concerning this topic, check out my writings on The Pursuit of God.
What do you think? What does the Jesus wept verse mean to you? Leave your comments below!