“Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face and paid homage to Daniel…”
Daniel 2:46

He did what?

The king of their time, Nebuchadnezzar, who had power, might, and glory over the nations of the earth, just fell upon his face before Daniel. As you remember, Daniel had just completed the impossible task of both revealing the dream the king had (which he told no one what it was) as well as interpreting the dream the king had (which no one could probably do).

This was all to show the king that “there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries” (Dan 2:28) and to debunk his officials’ opinion that “god’s dwelling is not with flesh” (Daniel 2:11).

The king had witnessed an act of God and then what did he do? He had his face to the ground! Imagine the reaction of his court officials to see this great king to be in that position. Imagine what his subjects in his kingdom would think of him when they saw this. Or even his enemies!

Why did he do such a thing?

It is because when we encounter the living God, no matter our status before men, we realize how human we really are.

When we see God move supernaturally, we see how natural we are. When we see God’s glory we see how faint our glory is. That no matter how esteemed we are, how powerful we are, how intelligent and smart we are, a revelation of the God of the Universe should instantly have us, as King Nebuchadnezzar did, on our faces before His great glory.

And so, this is what happens when a king meets the God of the Universe. And this is what should happen to us as we encounter Him on a daily basis.

Only that our bowing would become lower and lower as we continue to say that “He is greater.”

Yes, He is greater!