After getting my recording equipment from Chicago recently, I finally got the chance to lay down this song that I’ve been meaning to share.

This song is based off of Jesus’ description of what the kingdom of heaven was like, particularly this one:

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Matthew 13:44

For me, this song came out of the time when I was actually deciding to move to California for seminary. The decision in itself had costs, seeing as I would really be poor for the first time in my life, moving to a new environment with barely any friends there, and having never visited the school, etc..

With this passage, Jesus was reminding me of the pleasures of finding the kingdom of heaven, and therefore showing that the costs for following him are soooooo insignificant. While this song had a specific life context to it, I find that every time I make decisions for Jesus, this song breathes new strength into my following Him.

So I hope you enjoy this song, and that you’d be blessed by listening to it, as I am when I am singing it!


[audio: Chan – Kingdom of Heaven.mp3]

Click here to download the MP3

Kingdom of Heaven

Treasures abound in this life
There is much to do and much to see
But I have found my purpose
I have found the anthem of my soul, of my soul

Sold it, all my things that I now know are
Worthless, comparing to the joy I’ve found in You…

I’m dancing in the fields of my Father’s love for me
Finally knowing what my eyes were meant to see
Giving up is easy when you’re filled with joy, how
Blessed is he who finds the kingdom of heaven!

Whom have I in heaven but You?
There is nothing I desire besides You
So where you lead me I will follow
Where you send me I will surely go, I will go
Cause I…

Sold it, all my, things that I now know are
Worthless, comparing to the joy I’ve found in You…


Sold it, all my, things that I’m now sure are
Worthless, comparing to the joy I’ve found in You…
