And if this were too little, I would add to you as much more. Why have you despised the word of the Lord to do what is evil in his sight?

2 Samuel 12:8-9

Sometimes the greatest thing which can keep us from walking in the fullness of our destiny is sin.

King David is a man who experienced a great life until his failings with Bathsheeba (2 Sam 11). Then he tried to cover up his sin by committing murder. Finally, God’s prophet Nathan confronts David and reminds him of everything that God has done for him thus far.

And then he says those very cold and regretful words, “I would [have] add to you as much more.

Sin keeps us from walking the destiny that God has for us.

When we operate in a settling spirit, a adulterous spirit, when we refuse to learn from the Lord, when we don’t repent of destructive patterns in our lives, etc, we miss out on the great things God has for us.

I remember a time when I was walking in some sin for a season of my life. God stirred it into the heart of someone to randomly come up to me with someone they felt that God had put on their heart. And they confronted my sin and told me that if I kept it up, I wouldn’t walk into the greatness that God for me.

Man that experience stung!

But I feel for David here. I don’t want to walk in David’s path in this regards–the path of missing out on all that God has for his anointed ones.

If we are living a life of sin, we must repent of it so that we can walk in the awesome things that God has for us! The things that God has prepared for us is 100,000,000 times better than any life of sin can offer us!