It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.
Galatians 2:20
The reality of the Holy Spirit in our lives is a phenomenal reality.
God’s Spirit is primarily not around us, or above us, or near us, but rather within us. God gave his Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts when we came to faith in Christ.
It is this indwelling Spirit that allows us to experience the presence of God for the Holy Spirit is the presence of God.
And Jesus said that the Spirit would be with us forever (John 14:16).
This week I realized something amazing while struggling with addictive behavior.
No matter how many times I fall short of his glory, no matter what I’m struggling with, no matter how low I get in my Christian faith, no matter how many times I hurt God, the Holy Spirit is still indwelling within me!
He may be grieved, he may be neglected, he may be saddened, his stay here may be more painful than rewarding, but He never leaves.
The Holy Spirit, by his steadfast persistence in remaining indwelled within me is the faithful husband to the faithless bride that I am. He is the faithful one in our relationship with God.
And as the title of this post says, God has married us by his Spirit.
And I am incredibly grateful to be in a relationship with such a faithful God, who remains ever near me, as if I were the most beautiful bride in the world.
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.