If there’s one thing you pick up from all the chatter in the news and on the streets, there’s lots of judgment being thrown around around this issue. Christians judging gays, gays judging Christians, Americans judging Christians, etc…

So I wanted to start off this series of articles on homosexuality by doing some judging too.

And I’ll start by judging myself.

I am a heterosexual who has experienced my own share of sexual brokenness–in areas of impurity, pornography, addictions, lust, and pre-marital sexual experiences . There’s a lot of experiences that I am ashamed of and embarrassed about in my life, but I admit and confess those things to be sinful and wrong (but praise God he still loves me and transforms me!).

I share this because I believe Jesus told us to take the log out of our eyes before taking the speck out of someone else’s. And when I talk about homosexuality, because the discussion is so rife with judgment, I feel the need to consider the logs coming out of my own eye first.

When I consider my own sexual brokenness, it changes the way that I engage in this issue because I realize that I am far from perfect. As a matter of fact, as Christians, we’ve got to come to a point where we say that we have some big sexual problems as well.

Divorce rates are still at an all-time high. Adultery and affairs happen within our church walls, even among clergy. Christians teenagers engage in pre-marital sexual experiences which lead to a life a sexually compulsive behaviors. Christian parents don’t know how to engage with each other in healthy intimate ways. And many men are stuck in the bondage of internet pornography and masturbation.

This is the reality of many of the people in the church. And so if we want to find someone to judge, we should no look no further than the mirror. We Christians, yes we, are a sexually broken people, in desperate need of grace.

Why do I bring this up? Two reasons:

One, because these discussions are in desperate need of humility. When one has come to grips with their own brokenness, when considering the brokenness of others, you realize that you aren’t much better. Someone had said that the evangelism is simply a beggar telling another beggar how to find bread. And at that, we are all beggars of God’s mercy, because we all fall short of his glory.

Second, because we are in desperate need of God’s transformation. Sexual brokenness is not a light subject because sexual sins are serious. And by serious, not only serious in offense, but serious in damage. Do we ever consider that people engage in homosexual behavior out of an overflow of our own sexual brokenness? Or how the American family is broken because we haven’t allowed God to transform us? We have so many broken people walking around and we need to look to the cross and to the Holy Spirit for forgiveness and transformation.

So let’s keep talking and keep being bold about our convictions in this issue. I only ask that we consider our own junk first.