“You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God”
Exodus 20:5
The jealousy of God is a marvelous thing.
Being a Christian for about nine years now, I can honestly say that I would not be where I am at in my faith if it were not the jealousy of God. To know that God is so jealous for my life. Every time I fail and wander away, it is His love for me that brings me back to Him and I remember then how good it is to be near God.
Some people don’t understand or accept the jealousy of God. They question if God is so loving, why is He a jealous God?
But they forget that they are the works of His hands. Jealousy is when you covet something that doesn’t belong to you. It is plain from the Bible that, at a time, we belonged to God. He had fashioned us to be in relationship with Him. Therefore, the jealousy of God lays claim to what we were designed to do. Every part of our being was purposed to be in communion with God.
It is for this reason that apart from God, the world suffers from so much heartache and depression. For we are ignorant of the fact that behind every disparing need that we have in our lives is the great need for the fullness of God to take possession of what we were made to behold. But alas, we are children satisfied with eating mud. And we find that the pleasures and pursuits of this life leave us hungrier than when we first started dining.
I look back at my life and marvel at the jealous hand of God which steered me away from those things which brought me away from Him. For I find that the best times in my life are when I am near God and I wouldn’t trade those times for the world. What a marvelous thing to know that God so loves us. Yes, He loves us.