New Years provides a great time to reflect on the journeys, challenges, joys, and struggles of the year before in hopes that this transitional day would be a point at which the next year would move us into greater fruitfulness in our lives.

As for me, the Lord has been speaking and convicting me about many a things, but of utmost is this: my relationship with Jesus.

Working on my relationship with Jesus is not a cliché thing; it is a real ambition in my life. As that header banner up there says, I write “for the love of Jesus”. It’s a subset of the greatest value in my life–to live for the love of Jesus.

Number one on God’s agenda for God’s people always is God’s greatest commandment: Loving him with all our hearts, minds, and our souls.

This is the great work of God for all believers for all time, for every season, and for every occasion.

And as we approach another year, 2012, my New Year’s resolutions are simply this: my ambitions revolve around loving Jesus more!


But in reality, there are some very practical things that the Holy Spirit has highlighted for me to do to grow in love with him, in case you were wondering.:D