“”So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.”
Luke 14:33

I read this passage and was struck by the absoluteness of Jesus’ definition of those who truly follow him. I thought further about living in a nation full of Christians who prefer Jesus as their homeboy and not their Lord and the Spirit convicted me about some truths-

Lukewarm Christians will not make it into the kingdom of God.
People who made half-decisions to follow Christ will not make it into the kingdom of God.
People who make a pattern of sin will not make it into the kingdom of God.
People who are rich or self-righteous will find it difficult to enter into the kingdom of God.

No one earns their way into the kingdom, but if we do not demonstrate with our lives what Jesus is suggesting, we very well might not be going into the kingdom of God. For if your faith has not changed you, your faith has surely not saved you.