Before I start with all my thoughts on the issues pressing American Christianity, about the gay agenda, sin, discipleship, etc, I felt like I just needed to make a strong statement first: God loves gay people.
In fact, God has the heart to love Gay people more than anyone does in the universe, no matter what side you’re on.
He loves them because they, like us, were made in his precious image. He loved to the point where he sent his son Jesus to die for their (and our) sins so that we would be reconciled with God.
As I am praying for specific people in my life who identify as being gay, I can feel God’s tender love and compassion for them. It was then I realize that as much as I am learning myself how to be a better lover of gay people, I already have an example to follow because God is the great and jealous lover of them.
God is not homophobic.
That disgust feeling that comes with “homophobia” or and other phobia at that is absent when God thinks about gay people.
If there’s a pattern I discern from Jesus’ ministry is that Jesus was not intimidated by the depths of people’s brokenness e.g. tax collectors, sinners, lepers, and robbers. He wasn’t intimated nor was he angry. In fact, he was known to be their friend.
If Christians could be known, like Jesus, by their friendship towards gay people, that would be really something. But honestly, we’re not (very very very far from it actually).
I understand that Jesus’s ministry was marked by his seriousness about sin, and I hope to be as well, but hear me first.
This article is written in the spirit and the hopes that we (Christians) would be better lovers. We can be more righteous, and more holy, and make more clear about our moral lines (which I am in complete agreement we should do, and I hope to do in the next posts), but man, I want to be a better lover.
My desire to be the greatest lover of God and the greatest lover of people is now faced with this task of learning how to love deeply and sacrificially those who identify as gay.
And as I am reflecting on these issues, I invite you to do the same, because without growing in love, our faith is futile. I want the love that God has for gay people to be in my heart mind and heart so that I can properly reflect Jesus on earth.
He’s worthy to be reflected properly, and I pray that I can grow in my radical love towards other people to be able to do that.