I came across an incredible resource which highlights the difference between traditional church models of church planting versus disciple making movement model of church planting. Not to say one is wrong, but in my life, I definitely want to see the latter happen. 

I personally find this list amazing.

Photo Credit: Jimmy Nelson


Contrast between DMM (Discipleship Making Movements) & Most Traditional Approaches to Church Planting

[Intended as a simple overview to highlight some basic distinctives between the two approaches. Not in any particular order]
  1. Invitation vs. Presumption: Entrance into a community is dependent on the invitation of an influential insider (“Person of Peace”) not the presumption that we are welcome and what we offer is wanted.
  2. Local vs External Leadership: The establishment of the church is dependent on leadership that is natural to the community (insiders) even if the external leaders (outsiders) are more knowledgeable.
  3. Discovery vs Teaching: The fundamental process of learning from Scripture comes through personal discovery not instruction
  4. Obedience vs Knowledge: The goal of all interaction with God’s Word is immediate obedience, not just acquiring knowledge.
  5. Catalyst vs Implementer: The role of the church planter is to coach the local leader to launch the church not do it him/herself.
  6. Multiple vs Single Generation Design: The idea of replication is normal and necessary for a church to be considered successful.
  7. Local vs Outside Culture: The emerging church is allowed to have whatever cultural flavor is natural to the community (as long as it doesn’t violate the Word of God) without the imposition of any non-essentials from other cultures.
  8. Self-Supporting vs Subsidized: No outside support for on-going cost is provided.
  9. Unbranded vs Branded: No attempt is made to have a newly planted church align with any group for the purpose of identity of control.
  10. Active vs Passive Involvement: No one is allowed to just sit an listen. Personal discovery, personal obedience, personal reproduction, group participation and group correction are the norm.
  11. Group Process vs One to Many: The normal functions of being a church are expressed within an interactive group not in a group with a single leader.
  12. Start embryonic churches vs starting groups that evolve: All the DNA elements of “church” (giving, serving, worship, etc.) are included in the formation of small groups not added in increments over time.
  13. Immediate vs Delayed Leadership Development: From the very beginning, local leadership owns the responsibility for the church planting process and is continually coached on a “just in time” and “on the job” basis to reach the level of their capacity.
  14. Simple vs Complex Process: All parts of the church planting processes are kept easily reproducible by local/inside leaders.
  15. Local learning Style vs Outsiders Preference: Accommodation is made to the primary learning style of the local people (often oral learning/stories) not an outsider’s preference.
  16. Start at the beginning vs Start in the middle: A context for God and his relationship with people starts with Creation and crescendos with Christ.
  17. Mutual vs One Way Accountability: Mutual accountability within the group takes the place of one way accountability to a leader or no accountability at all
  18. Informal Locations vs Formal Locations: Newly planted churches don’t require a building for their meetings.