Following the events of last night (outlined in the post before this), the Lord gave me a dream.

In the dream, I had arrived in California at Fuller. Time had moved really fast and I found myself there without having finished any of my preparations!

I had flown in, had my stuff with me, but had no place to stay because I haven’t figured out my housing situation yet. So I was pretty much screwed.

I decided to walk into Fuller’s housing department to see what I could do. I went to the front desk and spoke with the person there. I explained to him my situation and how I didn’t have a place to live or anything. He said he was going to make a phone call to see what he could do about it.

He called up like the dean of Fuller. He was so surprised she picked up to address a housing issue and happily went and explained my situation to her. After some small talk, he hung up, and spoke with me again.

He said that everything was taken care of and I had nothing to worry about. He pulled out a key from under his desk and slid it to me; it was a key for a place to live and more! At that moment a friend of mine walked by and I exclaimed to him to see how much God loves me.

That was the end of my dream. And here is its interpretation:

When God opens a door for you, no one can shut it. God has the keys to every area of society and will open all and any if necessary to accomplish His will in our lives.

And I know that the door has been opened for me to go to California. I won’t have much at all going there, but I know in faith that God has already paved the way and made my paths straight.

Oh, how blessed are those who live by faith!