To be honest, I’m still wondering why I’m writing about homosexuality.

After getting the initial feedback from a number of people (both online and in person) about the posts, I underestimated how weighty the issue was and how difficult it is to navigate such issues.

I realized that I have many readers who are going to be reading this who vary greatly in their thoughts about this issue.

I have ultra conservative friends, I have liberal evangelicals who support gay marriage, I have friends who are gay (both Christian and non-Christian), and I have a large group of people who are looking for some sort of wisdom to navigate these issues.

I realized very quickly that given the variety of my audience, I cannot make everyone happy, and I have come to a place where that’s okay. What would I offer to people if that was my intent, but only the chance to be changed by words? 

What I am trying to do is somehow bring all these different people one step closer to following and loving Jesus, from wherever they are. Because at the end of the day, who cares about what I say? We’ll all have to stand before God one day and give an account of how we lived our lives, and I am orienting my life for that day. And his opinion matters most.

So if you’re reading this, knowing that I’m doing my best to write in love, humility, yet with strength and passion, caring earnestly about the people I’m writing for, and the under eyes of the God who I align my life to.